History of eQ-3
eQ-3 is one of the world leaders in the SMART HOME market
and is regarded as a pioneer in innovation and technology, particularly in automation, control and building management. V roce 2022 byla společnost eQ-3 již posedmé za sebou jmenována lídrem evropského trhu (Ocenění udělené nezávislou renomovanou švédskou společností pro výzkum trhu Berg Insight).
With its own brands and products (Homematic, Homematic IP, Eqiva), eQ-3 has a share of 40% of the total number of installed smart home systems in European homes. S více než 250 typy produktů má výrobce také nejširší portfolio v odvětví chytrých domácností. More than 2.5 million buildings have been equipped with more than 41 million wireless solutions to date.
eQ-3: ELV subsidiary
eQ-3 was founded in 2007 as a subsidiary of ELV Elektronik AG, a pan-European mail-order electronics and hobby publishing company. The ELV/eQ-3 group of companies is 100% family-owned.
Already in the autumn of 1979, ELV introduced the first microprocessor-controlled time switch with four individually switchable sockets. The group of companies can look back on 40 years of experience in the field of building automation and protection.
First steps towards radio-controlled automation
The first radio-controlled FS20 system was launched in 2002 as an ELV product . This system gave the group a dominant position in radio-controlled home automation, which has rapidly become a growing trend in Europe with unprecedented potential.
The first wireless control unit did not wait long and was introduced to German customers in 2003.
Homematic conquers the market
Založením společnosti eQ-3 v roce 2007 byly spojeny odborné znalosti v oblasti výzkumu a vývoje technologií k řízení a automatizaci objektů. These principles laid the foundation for the first generation of remote bidirectional building control, which conquered the European market with the Homematic product line.
At the heart of the system was the programmable Control Unit CCU1, which was replaced by the more powerful CCU2 in 2013.
Homematic’s smart home product portfolio grew to more than 90 devices in the same year.
More and more enthusiastic users started to exchange information and share their experiences in the online community about the different ways of using and combining and integrating Homematic.
Strong partnerships
V roce 2010 realizovala společnost eQ-3 největší OEM zakázku ve své dosavadní historii pro energetickou společnost RWE, která se tak stala významným partnerem eQ-3.
Another customer was Deutsche Telekom AG, which helped eQ-3 become a founding member of the Qivicon alliance, an alliance of companies from various sectors of the building automation industry.
Thanks to this step, every Qivicon control unit now has a Homematic IP integration module. Homematic IP technology has become timeless and has appealed to companies such as Robert Bosch GmbH, which has also integrated it into its Bosch Smart Home applications.
Systém regulace vytápění MAX!
V roce 2011 vyrobila společnost eQ-3 první samostatné termostatické radiátorové hlavice pro regulaci vytápění a současně uvedla na trh i systém vzdáleného řízení vytápění MAX! ovládaný prostřednictvím aplikace pro chytré telefony.
This system is still in use and has become very successful across Europe.
Homematic IP revolutionizes the smart home market
In 2015, eQ-3 brought a revolutionary solution to the market in the form of the Homematic IP brand, based on its own unique radio communication. The company’s goal was to increase the comfort of the home environment and bring a whole new level of automation, raising the bar of comfort and safety class while reducing energy costs. The user-oriented and highly modular system with high reliability and safety has been awarded the first “user-friendly” award by the independent Stiftung Warentest.
From 2017 to the present day, Homematic IP has received its seventh win in Stiftung Warentest tests.
As a direct successor to the proven Homematic system, Homematic IP represents a new generation of products based on the latest standards for smart home systems, including communication via the IPv6 Internet protocol.
After setting up the heart of the system in the form of the Homematic IP Central Unit, the system can be easily configured and controlled using the free Homematic IP free and the cloud. For maximum privacy, no personal information or data is required for registration. Ochrana komunikačního protokolu, IT i data systému jsou pravidelně testována nezávislou zkušebnou VDE a AV-TEST.
Local intelligence of individual Homematic IP devices
Lokální inteligence jednotlivých zařízení Homematic IP zajišťuje zachování nejdůležitějších funkcí i v případě výpadku internetu nebo ztráty spojení s Centrální jednotkou. The Homematic IP system is secure, can be variably combined and covers the most diverse areas of building automation with a product portfolio of more than 250 devices in the categories of security, HVAC, lighting, shading, weather prediction, automation and control.
Homematic IP podporuje integraci a segregaci systémů třetích stran, aniž by byla snížena jeho bezpečnost a tak otevírá dveře své platformy pro další rozšíření a nespočet možností řešení. Vyniká intuitivním rozhraním, snadnou aplikovatelností pro začínající uživatele inteligentní domácnosti a komplexním řešením za přijatelné ceny.
Rok 2018, centrální jednotka CCU3 a drátové portfolio Homematic IP
With the new CCU3 Smart Home Control Unit, designed primarily for professional installers, eQ-3 has launched a high-performance unit in 2018 that enables the combination of Homematic and Homematic IP products.
In the same year, the complete portfolio of Homematic IP wired components was also introduced. The system’s wireless and fieldbus devices can be flexibly combined via the hybrid Homematic IP Central Unit. Homematic IP’s wired and wireless solutions are currently the only systems on the market whose protocol, IT and data security are regularly tested and certified by an independent VDE testing laboratory. Drátové komponenty systému Homematic IP lze otestovat bezprostředně po jejich připojení do systému v místě instalace a without any programming or connection to the internet network. Drátové řešení Homematic IP je určené zejména for reconstruction or new construction. Installation can only be carried out by authorised installers with a valid national importer and distributor certificate, while sales are exclusively through specialist partners and wholesalers of security or electrical installation materials.
Specialist partners and sales channels
In Germany, more than 2,000 authorized professional installation partners are directly connected to eQ-3 and are trained and certified in installation and consulting by experienced trainers.
V rámci teritoria střední a východní Evropy je pak od roku 2021 distribuce produktů, technická podpora, budování profesionální a obchodní sítě realizována prostřednictvím partnera SAFE HOME europe s.r.o. se sídlem v České republice.
Kromě standardních obchodních kanálů jsou výrobky Homematic IP současně nabízeny prostřednictvím vybraných internetových obchodů, technologických specialistů nebo autorizovaných specializovaných obchodních firem.
Product design, development and manufacturing
Uskupení společností ELV/eQ-3 s více než 1 000 zaměstnanci se úzce profiluje na vývoj technologií a výrobu produktů určených k zabezpečení, ovládání a automatizaci budov. Approximately 350 employees work at the company’s headquarters in Leer, East Friesland (Germany), including more than 100 development staff, designers and product specialists. All the core know-how of the Homematic IP brand is thus concentrated in one place.
Production takes place at the company’s wholly owned factory in Zhuhai, South China, which received the highest BSCI rating for social responsibility and at the same time environmental management and quality certification ISO 14001 and ISO 9001. The emphasis on product quality and minimizing environmental impact underlines the entire many other certifications from independent institutions such as VDE, VdS, TÜV-GS, Q-Label, UL and ETL, etc. The production plant was opened in 2008.
The group also includes Hong Kong-based eQ-3 Asia Ltd, which manages purchasing and logistics operations. Tato společnost je důležitým článkem dodavatelského řetězce závodu v oblastech nákupu, meziskladování komponentů a vyrobených produktů.
New standards in logistics and transport
In 2012, a new logistics and dispatch centre was opened in Lepr, setting new standards in logistics with its unique process management system. The centre is capable of dispatching more than 1,000 shipments per hour.
Prezentace značky Homematic IP
Každoročně společnost sponzoruje setkání uživatelů značek Homematic a Homematic IP, které navštíví více než 550 návštěvníků. Součástí jsou kampaně na podporou sociálních cílů regionu Východního Fríska a svým rozsahem tak patří mezi největší akce svého druhu v Evropě.
The eQ-3 company regularly exhibits at the world’s leading trade fairs, participates in exhibitions and presentations organized by partners of industries focused on the development of technologies and production of products in the field of smart home, intelligent building management and automation. The company is particularly proud of its trainee and student programme, which produces high calibre graduates every year and is a socially and regionally valued activity.
eQ-3 in numbers
7x market leader
7x v řadě jmenována lídrem evropského trhu v oblasti systémů inteligentního řízení budov a automatizace
Installation of technology
More than 2,500,000 buildings with integrated eQ-3 technology
Number of assembly partners
More than 2,500 authorised assembly partners in Germany
41 mil. wireless solutions
More than 41,000,000 applied wireless solutions
Největší produktové portfolio
Product portfolio with more than 250 smart home products
7x winning product test
A total of seven Stiftung Warentest wins for eQ-3
Remote control
using the application
No matter where you are, with the free Homematic IP app for smartphones, everything is in sight and under control. Control your smart home anytime, anywhere, easily and conveniently.